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Winning System CD rom

Turner's Winning Way's

After the success of Turners Winners Galore David decided to release another formula that would quench the thirst of the person who wanted to bet on at least one race a day.

My first thought was that maybe he would have relaxed the selection method of Turners Winners Galore so giving you a better chance of a daily pick.

But this is not the case at all!

This is a completely new system that users two sources of information to pick a runner.

You will need to have access to the Racingpost and the Daily Mail newspaper.

Thankfully you can use the online version of the Racingpost and the good thing is you can check the first part of the system the night before.

So that when you get the Daily Mail the next day you are ready for your selection.

I actually tested the system for a whole month and gave my Free Tip members the selection for about fourteen days throughout the month.

Although we suffered a couple of losses (one the horse falling!) David actually made adjustments to the formula so the probability of them happening again were very slim.

You can see the month's tips here.

As with Turners Winners Galore you will need to spend a bit of time getting to learn this system, but that's the price you pay for a good formula like this.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see that Turners Winning Ways has the habit of throwing up some very good priced winners we had a 6/1, 4/1 and a 2/1.

Strongly recommended

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