Here is your FREE tip for today - 14th June 2004.
Yesterdays Results (friday)
"Oasis Star" gave us our first "Almost Certain Nap" winner on Friday
and "Horn Pipes" (Lay of The Day) came in 2nd that was 5 out of 5 for
last week.
Todays ramblings
Don't forget to visit the forum always plenty of tips and ideas there:
Please ~~NAME~~ do not take the following personally because I expect
it does not apply to you..
I thought this morning I would get on my soap box…Why?
Well over the last week or two I have seen some pretty nasty emails
going around accusing different tipsters of different things, which I
would like to address.
If you decide to get into betting on horses there are 3 things you
better ask yourself.
1. Can I afford it?
2. Have I got a big enough bank for a losing streak?
3. Do I know how much I can lose?
I know as much as the next person that there are quite a few people
that give you crap information out there, but at the same time there
are many of us who are doing the best we can to give you high quality
tips and in many cases using those tips ourselves.
I certainly know one of the people who has been picked on, put's a
lot of effort into his choices.
Unfortunately with horse racing we can’t get it right all the time!
Look at my own “Almost Certain Nap” last week, it had a good run then
had 7 losers in a row, nothing had changed in the way I picked the
horses and as many of you know I have been working on this system for a
very long time, but still it had a bad run.
It happens and that’s why your preparation to use someone’s tips is
as important as the tips they give you and why you must keep in
mind the following.
Can you afford? This is not something people just throw around for a
laugh, it is a serious question that you should be able to answer yes
If you cant then come back when you can, because no matter what anybody
says or how careful you are, you are going to lose money and more than
likely when you start.
Have you got a large enough bank? The way to win at horse racing is to
be able to keep going when things get tough. If you have to give up
because you can not take the losses then you are going to lose in long
term, every time.
Do you know how much you can lose? I use staking plans all the time,
but I also know I may have to cover 10 or 12 losing tips using that
staking plan which can add up to a lot of money very quickly.
Before you stake anything make sure you can do the same, if not wait
until you can.
This is even more important with “lay” betting, where two or 3 losses
can add up to a substantial sum of money, do you have the bank to cover
it and even more importantly would you have the bottle to make the big
Some people find it difficult to place a bet for £25 let alone 100, 500
or even a 1000 could you.
Paper Trade! Although this is nothing like the real thing at least you
can get a feel for what’s going on and what it will cost you, so there
will not be to many surprises when you start betting with your hard
earned cash!
Don’t be a fool and end up like one of those Saturday punters who lose
their money every weekend.
Using a system or tipster will give you better odds at getting winners,
but that is only half the story, using your own intelligence to work
out how much you can afford, what stake to bet with and how to cover
your losses is the other half and probably the most important!
My own opinion is that many people just charge in before thinking, they
have a few good days then the inevitable happens, they get a few losers,
their bank disappears and then every ones to blame but themselves.
Don’t be like this, be smart!
Ok I have climbed down now!
Did you download the system I gave you last week?...
Did you share it around?
I hope so...
Ok so Lady Georgina did win the maiden, if I had a hat I would eat it!
well I cant see much I fancy at all today, what about you?
Have a good day's racing.
o The "Almost certain nap" (one day I will release the system!)
The "Almost certain nap" came up with:
15.45 Brighton, Scriptorium, Betting Forecast 7/4
o Sponser of the day (please take a look you never no!)
Inside Rebecca's hot new eBook, "Double Or Nothing"
these pro gamblers pulled out all the stops and gave
her their personal step by step blueprints for
doubling, even tripling their bankroll in as little
as 30 minutes!
o Other Bets
My "Lay" bet from a new system I am working on.
19.15 Warwick, Xeeran, Betfair 2.44
o Todays sponser tip
My Daily Nap
Race: 7.45 War
Tip 1: Bandit Queen Stake: 50pts
Early Price:
Please tell your friends about this daily tip and pass on my
Best of Luck
Malcolm |
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