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13th October 2006

Todays ramblings
Good Morning.

Not sure what I am going to do this weekend, wait to see what the weather is doing.

I can not spend the last few weeks boasting about "Nags to Riches" only to go quiet when it loses. So it is with sadness I report that we had our first loser yeaterday after a winning run of 37.

Actually yesterday was one of those days you get every so often where everything you touch seems to lose, in fact we didn't win on any of the main tips, even the lay of the day had it's first loser this month.

What have I been saying about the start of the season, does it prove my point?

Probably not yet but as I said earlier this week it is time to start being a little careful.


I had an email from a user yesterday who said he couldn't work out were the selections were in this email and sent a copy of what he received.

It dawned on me that some peoples email clients are stripping out parts of the email and I think it is because the titles are between two lines of dashes "-".

Some email clients automatically convert all emails to html which is probably causing the problem.

If this is happening to you could you please sign up for the HTML version that looks like this.

You can do it here.


Do you ever get those nights where you just can not sleep because you have an idea being processed by your brain?

I often suffer from it and last night just before I retired for the night, I started thinking about the place bet system we had been testing this week and some new ideas.

I know many of you know that on an 8 runner race betfair pay out on the first 3 places, but what is really good for backers is that Betfair say "NON RUNNERS DO NOT CHANGE THE PLACE TERMS", this means to say that even if there is a NR in the race from the back point of view you will still get paid, if the horse you backed still came in, within in the first 3 palces. This is not good from a lay point of view, but great for backers.

So we are going to look for races between 8 to 10 runners but starting with 8.
We have two 8 runners today.
15.35 Brighton And 16.20 Nemarket

For the start there are only 2 rules. Firstly we use the highest scorer uunder the "selections" tab at the Racing Post web site but secondly only if the horse has placed at least once in it's last 4 races.

So our two selections are
15.35 Brighton, Mull Of Dubai EP (place) 1.79
16.20 Nemarket, Villa Sonata, EP (place) 1.76

I do have some other ideas but let us stick to those for the moment.
2. Racing Post -win selections
(racingpost - racing- tipsters-naps- Today's best Bet's)

The suggestion is that if the horse is trading under evens (2.0) then no bet.

Yesterday:15:10, Newmarket, Anna Pavlova EP 2.6 2nd 6/4
Get a reasonable price (for this system) and lose.

Results: (10 winners 18 loser so far)

13:45, Warwick, Cat De Mille EP 2.78
Today is a maiden, we haven't been doing to well on these lately.

If you are new then please check out the "The Deadly sins of Gambling"
3. Guest Selection - started 03-10-2006
Sorry some how this disappeared from the email yesterday.
These are selections from two new ebooks I have been asked to have a look at from a friend in the business, who wants the selections tested to a live audience.

Lay System (Running total - 5 Wins - 1 lost)
16.05 Southwell, Sea Frolic EP 10 4th 12/1 AV 9.64

Sorry no selection today

Back System (Running total - 3 Wins - 5 lost)
Yesterday's: 15.55 Lingfield, Chief Operator/High Style 4th/2nd

Sorry no selection today
4. Miracle System (win Bet)
15:10, Newmarket, Anna Pavlova 2nd 6/4

15:00, Brighton, Red Gala

You can purchase this system here:
5. Sponsor of the day (please take a look you never Know!)
How a small investment of just 50p a day can make you £10, £20 or £50 or more per day in profit!

Click Here to read more
6. "Best Lay of the Day" - Lay Betting System Bet
14:00 Newmarket Truly Royal (Maiden) 1st 2/1, AV 3.23

15:45 Newmarket, Desert Chief (V4 flat)

Please Note: The lay betting system is actually 4 systems in 1 and I will choose one of the selections for this tip.

You can purchase the system formula:

The Lay Betting SystemAdvantages of owning the system:

1) Pick more than one race a day
2) Make a selection later in the day (normally more choices)
3) Password protected forum so you can talk to other owners.
4) UK or IRE races
5) Bonus Systems and regular updates.
6) Now on V4
7) 3 systems, 1 for flat 2 for Jump/Chase
8) Owners get free updates
9) Now includes Lay Place System.
10) Now includes AW System
11) Now includes the Investment System
If you own your own website you can makes some money by promoting the "Lay Betting System"


You can also have this tip delivered as content to your own website.
Click here to find out more.
7. Todays sponser tip
The Almost Certain Lay Tips

14.50 War, Vibrato Staking:

Set a maximum amount as your liability, then divide that figure by the available odds.
EG. £100 / (8.8 - 1) = 12.82 so your stake is £12.82.

The Almost Certain Lay Tips

8. Trade of the Day

Over the coming months we will look at different ideas to see if we can come up with some consistent methods for trading.

I will take a snapshot of the price at around 9am and then record any changes using my software until the off.

We will take this weeks selection from the racing posts "Today's best Bet's"
(racingpost - racing- tipsters-naps- Today's best Bet's)

Yesterday:15:10, Newmarket, Anna Pavlova EP recorded at 8.37am 2.74
By the time you would have got this tip from me I suspect the price was far higher than i first recorded earlier, so it could have put you off as the price looked as if it was going out. In fact this was only for a brief period as the price dropped back down with a lowest reording of 2.54, although after that it did creep up again.

You can see the price changes here:

15.10 Newmarket, Bygone Days EP at 9.14 - 4.9
This may be a little high for this experiment but we may as well see what the changes in prices are like.

We back first then lay off when (if) the price drops below our orginal back price. If you want to learn more about trading then please have a look at the Bet Exchange Traders manual.

Please tell your friends about this daily tip and pass on my URL

Have a good days racing.


P.S. How about something different...

We make every effort to supply high quality tips, but we cannot be responsible for any losses incurred by any persons using these tips or any of the information provided.

This tip is provided FREE and in good faith. It can stop or start at anytime, the sponsor of the tip can change at anytime.

You can use it on your website but all links must be kept in place.
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Please note: Gambling is risky, we can not be held responsible for how you act upon the information provided at this site.

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