- Each players will provide a daily nap, a next best and a third
- Your profit/loss will be calculated from 3pts win on the nap,
2pts win on the next best and 1pt win on the third tip.
- All selections must be posted before 1pm of the race day.
- If any of the selection is a non runner, you will be on the
favourite for that race. If there are joint or co favourites you will be on the
lowest race card number.
- Please note that, should you fail to post a selection(s) at any
stage of the competition, you will be deducted 1pt each day or up to a maximum
6pts each day during the contest.
- The player with the largest winning SP will win a DVD Film to
be decided.
- Malcolm Pett/ Bluebell Data and it's associates sites are in no
way responsible for the outcome of this competition and are allowing the
competition information to be hosted on it's site purely for the entertainment
of it's forum members and you agree that they can not be held responsible for
any of the money that you lose arising from playing in this competition.
- As always the Judges decision is final in this case it will be
By clicking the link below you agree to the
terms of this competition.